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lightWallet - A lightweight Monero GUI account manager


Update: 2017-01-07 LightWallet is no longer being maintained, and is expected to stop working after the upcoming hardfork enabling RingCT. Please use the official GUI for now (which also works with a remote node), or wait for another third party GUI by Jaxx or someone else to be released soon.


Update: 2017-01-07 LightWallet is no longer being maintained, and is expected to stop working after the upcoming hardfork enabling RingCT. Please use the official GUI for now (which also works with a remote node), or wait for another third party GUI by Jaxx or someone else to be released soon.

Update: 2016-01-28

LightWallet is a lightweight GUI wrapper for simplewallet written in Java using the Libgdx library.

The source code is available here: Please check out the file here if you are going to test it out.

The release binary can be downloaded here: I think the jar file should work on any computer with a java virtual machine, and exe is just for Windows. You need to have simplewallet and necessary dlls in the same folder as LightWallet to run the program.

In this release the language is automatically selected as English.

In this release -

  • User agent is actually implemented in all RPC calls
  • Import seed works now
  • Import keys works, but it won't have the viewkey and seed in your info file
  • I had to add an assets folder (I don't know why I can't roll everything into a jar now)
  • Gson module is not used at all anymore, JSON is just manually parsed
  • The release archives now include the wallet binary, so all you need to do is download and unzip and run
  • I didn't make an exe, so on Windows just run the jar
  • On Linux I had to run the command "java --jar LightWallet", otherwise it would like start java in a different directory and wouldn't find the wallet executable

Screenshots from latest build: Daemon tab: daemon Balance tab: balance Transfer tab: transfer

Please let me know if you have any feedback, suggestions, questions, etc. I'd be glad to hear :)

Replies: 11
Sasha00 posted 8 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Hi people! I downloaded Monero light Wallet but when I try to run it is not anything going on. A site virustotal generally defines a virus in this file. What should I do?

johntyro posted 9 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I'm currently trying to run the light wallet but I am facing some problems. One of which is that no matter if I'm connected with a server to get the blockchain or locally the client states that I have none out of the total blocks synced, how can I fix that?

Reply to: johntyro
jwinterm posted 9 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

That's odd. Just to check, to do you have a copy of simplewallet in the same folder as lightwallet?

Reply to: jwinterm johntyro
johntyro posted 9 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Yes, but since I'm really new to cryptocurrencies feel free to ask anything since the reason for the error will probably be a dumb mistake due to lack of experience.

Furi posted 8 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Hi, trying to start using the lightwallet with win10x64 with latest java and updates but when clicking the .exe nothing really happens. Like it tries to run it but closes immediately. Cant even see what happens in the process. Help??

bitohoney posted 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

I just posted in the support form the problem I'm having with LightWallet. In short, it won't create a wallet for me in either Windows or Java.

Reply to: bitohoney
jwinterm posted 8 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

What do you mean in Windows or Java? The latest version has no exe file, so you have directly run the jar file. Also, latest version comes bundled with monero-wallet-cli, so make sure you extract them both to the same directory.

allegro posted 8 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Since in the new 0.10.0 release simplewallet has been renamed to monero-wallet-cli LightWallet2 will have to be updated to continue to work as a GUI?

suchwow edited 9 years ago Weight: -547 | Link [ + ]

so cool

Quicken edited 9 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -584 | Link [ + ]

Hey jwinterm. Thanks a lot for this. I have been trying it out on Windows, and am now running it with a local daemon OK. One thing I am unsure of is that on the Simplewallet account tab, it shows Blocks synced as 473399 of 472698 (higher number first). Does that make sense? Any idea why? Cheers, Q

Reply to: Quicken
jwinterm edited 9 years ago Weight: -544 | Link [ + ]

Hi Quicken, I've noticed this as well, and to be honest I'm not exactly sure what's going on here. It seems like if you leave it running for a while, the daemon tab stops getting info from the queue, and the second info shows the same block number as the daemon tab (it's got several threads for daemon check and simplewallet check and stuff, and each thread gets a queue to send info back to main program thread). As long as you can see your balances in the wallet info tab, you should be fine to send money, but if you're unsure you can just close and reopen the program and then the two block heights should match (at least for a while). You might want to check out Jojatekok's MoneroX program also, I'm in the middle of moving cross country and starting a new job, so I don't really have time to mess with lightWallet anymore atm :(

Anyway, thanks for pointing that out, it's definitely something I've seen and at least one other person mentioned to me when leaving the program running for a while :)