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Tracking value of Monero and other altcoins on website (in p[...]

If you're holding other crypto coins except Monero, you should be definitely interested in our website :)

It works like this: You will submit owned coins + buy price. And it will track current rates, show profits and draw charts. You always know, how much coins do you own, what was their original price and what is their current price.

  • it is free
  • we made it anonymous by default, so no email or registration required
  • not asking for your address etc.

What's the catch, right? Well, there is an advertisement... . One single banner in a header. But except it, no catch.

You can track XMR Monero:

General overview of your holdings:

Generated charts (currently Coinparator generates 7 different charts for every portfolio):

I will be glad, if you post feedback! Suggestions, bugs... .

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