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Monero Meetup: Paris, France - May 21th, 2015

Thursday 21st of May 2015 in the magnificent Mozilla offices, located at 16 bis rue Montmartre, 19h30 to 22h (approx.).

Google+ Event:

Mozilla and Monero share several goals; Mozilla is about taking back the web, Monero is about taking back the finance.

To summarize:

  • Conference will be held in English. Questions can be in French.
  • Format is round-table meeting. I envision the following participants: Riccardo Spagni (Monero team, focus on the "how"), David Latapie (Monero team, focus on the "why"), Karl Chappé (co-organisator, celebrity in the French cryptocurrency and libre software scene), André Reinald (Mozilla and peerstorage).
  • The main topic will be at first privacy in technology in general and particularly in cryptocurrencies - the present situation in France (increasing control after the Charlie Hebdo shooting) will make such an event particularly on-topic. The meetup won't be only about Monero, although since Monero is the present leader in actual cryptocurrencies privacy, the meeting will be biased toward it.
  • Since our sponsor, André Reinald from Mozilla, is a strong proponent of the blockchain-less technology that is behind MaidSafe and particularly, a later consideration will be about how and Monero could help each other.

Personally, I'd like web-related projected technologies like MoneroDNS and a future "Monero plugin in Firefox" (like freespeechme's Namecoin plugin) to be considered, but we'll see.

Afterward, we will probably move either to Sof's Bar, a longtime Bitcoin hideout, or a nearby bar.

Replies: 6
Shrikez edited 9 years ago Weight: -487 | Link [ - ]

Good job David! I am sure it will be a fruitful discussion

farfiman edited 9 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -492 | Link [ - ]

Excellent job! I would like to know who approached who and where this idea came from.

Reply to: farfiman
davidlatapie edited 9 years ago Weight: -489 | Link [ - ]

Karl Chappé approached me after he read my post on darkcoin, anoncoin, shadowcash, monero. He was impressed by the quality of the post. He expected to have a privacy meeting like in SF

I approached Tristan Nitot, which I knew for 12 years (Openweb powa!) who in turn referred me André Reinald. I had a one hour talk with André and voilà!

bigj edited 9 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -492 | Link [ - ]

Great thing! Will there be a (real-time?) video feed?

Reply to: bigj
davidlatapie edited 9 years ago Weight: -489 | Link [ - ]

I'll think about it. cryptofr could handle it.

fluffypony edited 9 years ago Weight: -494 | Link [ - ]
