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Free to play game to win monero -


We've just started a new mining game where miners collect coins from their mine to build up a score. We mine for monero using all our users browsers whilst they play the game to build up a prize fund, once the prize fund reaches 0.5XMR we countdown to the end of the game where first place will win 0.25XMR, second place takes 0.15XMR and third 0.1XMR.

Be great to hear what everyone thinks...

Monero Mine

Replies: 1
JPaulMora posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Cool stuff! I thought about implementing something like this too, you may want to check out my pool as we just implemented web mining. It works exactly as coinhive but it contributes to the overall pool hash rate, at 0.5%. I'll be posting embedding instructions soon, but if you want just copy my html code.