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Hi, pretty new to this and just wanted to ask a couple of qu[...]

Hello all! Like the title said, I'm new to this and I just want to ask a couple of questions regarding mining.

1) If I had 5 GeForce GTX 1070's what would be my hash rate while mining XMR?

2) What's the best mining software and additional downloads you suggest that would make the process go by smoothly?

Sorry if these questions seem dumb, but I would love if someone could answer me!

Replies: 3
moneropool edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]


  1. 1x NVIDIA GTX 1070 (ASUS STRIX) = 475H/s (ccminer)
  2. For NVIDIA cards you can use ccminer.

In case you want to mine with your CPU too, you can use Claymore CPU miner or xmr-stak-cpu. Download links are on

vrod edited 6 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

A friend of mine gets 685H/s with a 1070, he has the MSI Gaming X model. Getting this with ccminer and a power usage of 150W from the wall.

Reply to: vrod
Bofox posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Awesome! Thank you so much for the reply!