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NOOB Alert. My hashrate appears to only be 1.5 H/s!!!????

Hi There guys,

I'm really excited about the potential with Monero. Like the idea of anonymity. Downloaded the daemon and starting to mine.

I've started mining because my darling naggy wife-to-be is only limiting me to buy 1XMR per month (because we have a wedding coming up). I'm hoping I'll get another 1 XMR per month with mining because 2 XMR's per month is twice as good.... ;-)

I've downloaded the monero daemon. Took 3 days to sync and I was disappointed to see my mining rate when show_hr is only 35? Is that H/s ? Or please let it be KH/s!!!! Just discovered I could get 50 H/s if I use 4 threads and now my CPU is at 100% Am I extracting the full power of my laptop? Or how can I mine from my "GPU" as well?

So I thought I'd build my first ever Ubuntu Server in Interserver. After some agonizing back and forth for another 2 days I'm disappointed to see that, with 2 threads I'm only getting 1.5!!!!?????

Is that right? I don't think I could ever join a mining pool with those kinds of hash rates. Am I doing something wrong?

Replies: 2
assylias posted 8 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

35 H/s for a mid-range CPU in single threaded mode is probably about right. A CPU with many cores (and a lot of CPU cache) or a high end GPU may get you to 500/700 H/s. To get higher you need more of them.

moon-air-oh edited 8 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

You might want to look into getting miner software that points to a pool. I am running a pool at There are a list of some of the miners you can use there with links to where to download them. Different miners are needed for different video cards, amd gpu, nvidia gpu, etc...