Please login or register. - new xmr pool with 0% fee


Refreshing this 'old' thread :-). I have no idea how to change the topic but pool has been operating for couple of months and it's offering couple of nice features:

  1. Dedicated server in France (we've moved from VPS)

  2. Low fee 0.5% (0.1% for core devs)

  3. Mining to exchange - min. payment threshold 5 XMR

  4. Workers statistics

  5. Fixed diff

  6. SSL support - port 9999

If you have any questions drop me an email [email protected] or poke me on irc #monero-pools (

Replies: 3
xmrpool_eu edited 8 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Finally we mined a block! 11 Miners have been paid.

Pool fee is now 0.2%. This 0.2% is going for core devs to help Monero network going...

grobbler posted 8 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Been using your pool as of late, and it's pretty nice and all. but for the site, can you please get rid of cloudflare?

xmrpool_eu posted 8 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Pool is now offering new features like:

  • Mining to exchange

  • Workers statistics (you can monitor each rig separately)

  • SSL support on port 9999 for Claymore 9.7 GPU (lower fee for mining on SSL)

Pool's fee is 0.5%!