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VINCHAIN - ICO Pre-sale starts 1st Dec. - DECENTRALIZED VEHI[...]



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Replies: 35
VINCHAIN posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Time-Sensitive Decentralized Vehicle Database

Ideally, when a customer wants to buy a used car, he or she must ask for the car history before agreeing to the purchase. In a bid to close a deal, many of them have ended up buying poor quality or stolen vehicles. However, the automotive industry has tried to curb these growing concerns and created portals where customers can ask for such information.

Even so, customers still face a challenge when doing this because they have to deal with a lot of agents when applying for information with the help of other companies. To get the information about the car, other companies will need to contact all the previous owners and dealers. Because the information gets transferred from one part to another, it might be misrepresented altered or deleted in the process. This leads to the incorrect information and lots of possibilities to fabricate data. Moreover, it also takes a lot of time and if needed, the customer will not be able to check the efficiency of information.

However, with the help of our project, this problem will be solved. Customers will directly contact the provider and get all the information. As long as it all stored in one system, with the help of blockchain technology, it's impossible to change it. You can see all the origins of data and it’s an easy, safe way to know everything about your vehicle.

VINCHAIN posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

**Oleg Khovayko – Remarkable Adviser for Splendid Project **

Oleg is a Cryptography and Financial Expert who has much achievement to his name. He is a role model to several youngsters in the Cryptography and financial industry. He was recently appointed the New Adviser of Vinchain Project due to his emeritus achievements.

Oleg is a holder of Masters of Computer Science which he earned from National Research Nuclear University in 1994. He was appointed to work as the Software Engineer at Digital Equipment Corporation. There, he designed and implemented object library for procedures emulation. He later proceeded to work at Banking Teams Group before working as a Programmer and System Integrator at Ankey. In 1998, he started working at before he chose to work for National Center for Biotechnology Information (Bethedsa, MD, USA).

Oleg has made huge impacts in the field of Engineering, Cryptography and Finances. He worked for PubMed Search Engine for ten years before joining the National Center for Biotechnology Information. He worked on the Fidelix XPS Advanced Threat Defense Products making sure that they serve their purposes. His effort also increased Parser performance by ~10% after rewriting a couple of low-level functions. In 2010, he became the Vice President of Jefferies Company and one of the great members of Emercoin team.

He has a strong background in the realm of finance. He also specializes in the technical aspects of Blockchain and Cryptography. With his strong background, his pieces of advice will help us reach new possibilities.

VINCHAIN posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Stan Polozov - Our Outstanding VinChain Adviser

Stanislav Polozov is a Blockchain Implementation Specialist, another adviser who joined us from Emercoin group. He graduated from Kiev National Taras Shevchenko University in 1991, where he obtained a Master’s degree in Molecular Genetics. From 1998 to 2001 he was working on the project The Bat!. The Bat! is a shareware email client, developed by Ritlabs. Due to his excellent work as CMO of a project, The Bat! became so popular in Russia and in all the world.

By 2007, he was working as Team leader of Smart House department at TMM Real Estate Development, Plc. In 2009, he joined Angelico Biotechnology Investment Fund as a Partner to be in charge of scientific due diligence and collaboration, initiating and closing deals worth a total of $70 million. He was working as an advisor. In 2005 he founded and established Comforta Ltd. to provide homes and buildings with automation services. In a very short time, Comforta Ltd. became a leading home automation integrator in Saint-Petersburg and the North-West region of Russia. In 2013, Polozov sold the company at a healthy profit.

2009 saw the advent and establishment of another company, Highcross Automation. The idea behind the company was to create smart-house equipment which would use the most common Ethernet networks and the most common TCP/IP as a native transmission media. In other words, to create devices that would be compatible with anything possessing an Ethernet jack. Within just a few years, Polozov and his team have designed and released a wide array of products, operating in many homes and businesses all around the world.

In 2014, he co-founded Emercoin, a leading blockchain platform with a unique set of implemented features. Some of the innovative services he and his team have developed include, but are not limited to: offering secure network management and password-less authentication to internet users, trusted Timestamping for all types of intellectual property and digital data, alternative internet domains, and the ability to develop custom tools on the Emer blockchain. Polozov has an accomplished career in the technology industry, and likes to be on the cutting edge of advanced technologies, both in the hardware/software and medicine fields. ** Just to remind** During the period from November 23 11.59 UTC till December 1 11.59 UTC you have the opportunity to purchase 10 000 VIN tokens at a price of 1 ETH with a minimum participation amount of 1 ETH. The maximum number of available tokens is 12,500,000.

Hurry up! The number that is offered in a pre-sale is limited!

To know more about our project you can check our social media: Telegram: Facebook: Twitter:

VINCHAIN posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Ryan Scott – New Adviser in Our Team

Ryan Scott is an entrepreneur, social impact investor, humanist, philanthropist and online marketing pioneer, legendary for developing and patenting the double opt-in email methodology. After selling NetCreations in 2001 for $111 million, Ryan became an angel investor alongside Sequoia Capital, Mark Cuban, News Corp, CBS Corporation, Elon Musk, and Burda Media, in a number of companies such as Inside, Tesla, CrowdFunder, Tiltify,, Earth Class Mail, Principle Power, Signum Biosciences, Greener World Media, Sierra Nevada Solar, and Cool Earth Solar. Ryan's most significant personal investment since 2011 has been Causecast, the world's most innovative workplace giving, volunteering and social impact platform. Ryan's vision is to create a world in which corporations compete with each other to make the most positive social impact.

Just to remind

During the period from November 23 11.59 UTC till December 1 11.59 UTC you have the opportunity to purchase 10 000 VIN tokens at a price of 1 ETH with a minimum participation amount of 1 ETH. The maximum number of available tokens is 12,500,000. Hurry up! The number that is offered in a pre-sale is limited!

To know more about our project you can check our social media: Telegram: Facebook: Twitter:

VINCHAIN posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Ryan Scott – New Adviser in Our Team

Ryan Scott is an entrepreneur, social impact investor, humanist, philanthropist and online marketing pioneer, legendary for developing and patenting the double opt-in email methodology. After selling NetCreations in 2001 for $111 million, Ryan became an angel investor alongside Sequoia Capital, Mark Cuban, News Corp, CBS Corporation, Elon Musk, and Burda Media, in a number of companies such as Inside, Tesla, CrowdFunder, Tiltify,, Earth Class Mail, Principle Power, Signum Biosciences, Greener World Media, Sierra Nevada Solar, and Cool Earth Solar. Ryan's most significant personal investment since 2011 has been Causecast, the world's most innovative workplace giving, volunteering and social impact platform. Ryan's vision is to create a world in which corporations compete with each other to make the most positive social impact.

Just to remind

During the period from November 23 11.59 UTC till December 1 11.59 UTC you have the opportunity to purchase 10 000 VIN tokens at a price of 1 ETH with a minimum participation amount of 1 ETH. The maximum number of available tokens is 12,500,000. Hurry up! The number that is offered in a pre-sale is limited!

To know more about our project you can check our social media: Telegram: Facebook: Twitter:

VINCHAIN posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

The Results of Used Car Week 2017

In the past week, Vinchain was at the conference that was held was one of the biggest of its kind. The conference was held during the annual Used Car Week of 2017. The event was widely attended by shareholders, professionals within the industry and experts from all over the world. During this time, representatives from Vinchain made numerous presentations to the audience regarding the current project.

The CEO, Mr Alex Miles was also in attendance and was able to interact freely with various parties in the automotive industry. He explained the finer details of the project, answered questions from numerous parties and also explained what the corporation seeks to achieve with the project and exactly how they are going to get it done.

One of the highlights of the event was the discovery of the blockchain ability to store data. A lot of people were unaware of this development and did not think it would be possible. The conference also created a platform for contracts and agreements to be made between Vinchain and associated corporations in the industry. The only thing that is left is to communicate with these corporations, honour the contracts and begin working towards a better and brighter future.

Just to remind During the period from November 23 11.59 UTC till December 1 11.59 UTC you have the opportunity to purchase 10 000 VIN tokens at a price of 1 ETH with a minimum participation amount of 1 ETH. The maximum number of available tokens is 12,500,000. Hurry up! The number that is offered in a pre-sale is limited!

To know more about our project you can check our social media: Telegram: Facebook: Twitter:

VINCHAIN edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Alex was interviewed on why he thinks VINchain is a decision that is able to change the automotive industry.

Alex Miles is the CEO of VINchain project and the marketing strategist with specialization in brand development. He is a person who believes that VINchain is able to change the whole automotive industry. And here is why:

Why do you think, VINchain project will be helpful and useful in an automotive business?

VINChain will create a decentralized marketplace for used vehicle information. This will create transparency in a market that desperately needs it. The entire history of a vehicle will be easily accessible to any individual.

In your opinion what are the biggest benefits of using VINchain?

The biggest benefit of using VINChain is to know exactly where you are getting your information from because it can all be traced back to its source. It creates something that has never existed before which is transparency and accountability in the Automotive Industry.

How will decentralized data storage systems solve the problem with inaccurate information?

Decentralized data storage systems will solve the problem of inaccurate information by accurately identifying any and all discrepancies. Since no data can be hidden or suppressed, a decentralized data storage system is the ideal solution. Moreover, the data cannot be altered, so the consumers can feel reassured that they are seeing the truth about the vehicle.

Why do you think that such a technology can change the industry itself?

This technology opens up the industry for disruption because it creates a system where no trust is necessary. Consumers don't have to go through an intermediary in order to acquire services. With VINChain, consumers get their data straight from the data provider.

Just to remind During the period from November 23 11.59 UTC till December 1 11.59 UTC you have the opportunity to purchase 10 000 VIN tokens at a price of 1 ETH with a minimum participation amount of 1 ETH. The maximum number of available tokens is 12,500,000.

Hurry up! The number that is offered in a pre-sale is limited!

To know more about our project you can check our social media: Telegram: Facebook: Twitter:

VINCHAIN edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Check out one more article about Vinchain!

Why Decentralized Data Storage System Is Important in the Automotive Business:

! We are reminding you that our closed pre-sale has already started so you can get Vinchain Tokens with 50% off‼️ Simply register there: ❓There are also some instructions there:

VINCHAIN edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

VINChain Private Token Pre-sale for early investors has started

We are glad to announce that VINchain closed pre-sale for early investors has started today! Our project has successfully implemented the blockchain technology into the decentralized vehicle database. The past few months have seen us forge partnerships with people who see the project just like us. We have answered the questions people had about our project while interacting with the business community. Through the social platforms, VINchain has engaged in conversations with interested parties who understand the problems that a decentralized vehicle database would solve. As more people grew more interested, we decided to launch a closed Pre-sale for early investor before the ITO.

Time couldn’t be any accurate for you to buy the VINchain tokens. What’s more, the process of buying is only for the early investors. The tokens are limited so only the early birds will get a piece of this cake. Those who have subscribed will receive a discount for their purchase. To take part in a closed pre-sale you can join it through our website

During the period from November 23 11.59 UTC till December 1 11.59 UTC you have the opportunity to purchase 10 000 VIN tokens at a price of 1 ETH with a minimum participation amount of 1 ETH. The maximum number of available tokens is 12,500,000.

Hurry up! The number that is offered in a pre-sale is limited!

To know more about our project you can check our social media: Telegram: Facebook: Twitter:

VINCHAIN posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

The next conference we participate. Moontec 2017

Being the largest conference that appreciates the growth of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, Moontec 17 is the ideal platform to further launch our project. Every year since its establishment in 2014, Moontec 17 has given a chance to top 10 start-ups to pitch their idea to investors through the Moonrise Festival. Well, this year we were shortlisted and made to the top 10 candidates. Therefore, we are going to participate in the Moonrise 2017 startup competition.

Moonrise is the key blockchain startup competition in Northern Europe. This year, it’s hosted in Tallinn, where leading blockchain experts are gathering for the annual Moontec conference. The main agenda of this conference will be to discuss the hottest questions around cryptocurrencies, DLT, blockchain and their implementation in various industries. Their aim is to find the most innovative early-stage blockchain startups and connect them with a global network of investors to provide them with both financial and business support.

This year 2017, the conference will be held on the December, 5. It is organized by Moontec 17 which is the largest conference in Northern Europe, devoted to cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology and its implementation in various industries. We are excited because we will be interacting with some of the brightest minds from various parts of the world, who are eager to drive the industry further just like us. At the conference, the main audience will be people and companies interested in the blockchain technology and its implementation in existing business processes.

The Moonrise startup competition will be proudly hosted in Tallinn – the capital of Europe’s innovative technology. Follow our news to know how we perform on the stage among other top 10 startups. Don’t miss our success!

Add to our TWITTER | FACEBOOK | TELEGRAM and get involved online by using the hashtag #vinchain

vinchain #ico #vehiclehistory #Blockchain #decentralized #vehicle #altcoins #news #cryptocurrency

VINCHAIN edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Why are we making an ICO project?

ICOs are the best and quickest way that start-ups are raising capital in the blockchain industry. ICOs are like IPOs (Initial Public Offering) which is an event that a company opens up its shares to be traded by investors in the public. Just like the company puts up its shares for sale to the public in IPOs, new projects trade their crypto-tokens for bitcoin and ether in ICOs. Quite a number of start-ups have been able to raise an unjustified amount of capitals. Moreover, ICOs also open up a new world of opportunities.

Vinchain plans to take the opportunities that ICOs offer. An ICO (Initial coin offering) is a great way to see if our project will actually find a feedback from people. It’s a great way to find out if it will be a demand among others and if people understand the concept the way we do. Most importantly, ICO is a good way for any startup to collect money on the project as it's easy to invest through it where there can be lots of investors.

An ICO is a brilliant idea for startups as they usually don't have a huge budget as it does not require any spending at the beginning. All you need is a great idea and a business plan that people will want to support and will believe in. We believe that Vinchain can significantly change the industry and help the automotive business to develop in a way that there is a new level of understanding between customers and dealers. Therefore, creating an ICO opens up the door to the people in the automotive business to contribute to the development of our project.

Add to our TWITTER | FACEBOOK | TELEGRAM and get involved online by using the hashtag #vinchain

VINCHAIN edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]


Get acquainted with our new VinChain team members! Aleksey Listopad - CMO

Every now and then, it is not uncommon to see individuals who have exceptional careers in their respective professions. However, it is harder to find those who scale the heights of professional ladders at a very young age. Aleksey Listopad is one of these people. Since he was just a boy, Aleksey developed a keen interest for business. He was curious to know how all the moving parts came together to create a system that is so diverse but remains fully functional. This prompted him to choose a career path that is business oriented by enrolling at the Belarusian State Technical University to study marketing.

Unlike most of his peers, Aleksey preferred to stay proactive while he pursued his career. He created his first business venture at the tender age of 19. The company, which was called 'The Logistic Club', was created to handle all logistical and marketing activities of their clients. While at the company, Aleksey worked as a marketing specialist. The newly founded corporation not only allowed him to put all the knowledge he was acquiring at the university in perspective, it also allowed him to learn what it means to be a marketing professional and also helped him create a name for himself in the industry.

After he graduated, Aleksey began working as the Head of Marketing at Better Bid Car Auction LLC. During his tenure, he managed to bring 9 major projects to the US market. This was a feat that none of his predecessors had managed to achieve at the corporation. He accepted a job offer at Vinchain after he left Better Bid Car Auction LLC and now works as the Chief Sales and Marketing Officer.

VINCHAIN posted 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

What is the difference between Vinchain and other technologies?

Ever since the launch of digital currencies, many people have explored what other possibilities are there when you implement the blockchain technology. Blockchain technology solves any problem associated with a centralized system. Using technology that fully depends on a centralized system has become rather difficult especially since the beginning of the Internet. Poor data storage systems have led to the increase in cyber crimes. In the automotive industry, several buyers have purchased ‘bad’ cars due to manipulation or misrepresentation of information by the seller. This is because records on vehicles are being stored by a person or company. Needless to say, having a centralized data storage system for all vehicle records gives room for manipulation for personal gains. However, Vinchain seeks to solve this huge problem with the help of the Blockchain technology. With its help, the information will always be transparent and up-to-date due to the decentralization of information. No one will be able to influence the data for their own aim. There will be no possibilities of losing any data. Everyone who is interested will be able to get the access to this information. It will also benefit every member of the automotive business, companies, and services that are connected with it. Also, the rewarding system will be fair and clear. You will receive your tokens for each request that is done by anyone on that info according to the rate of information you give us. Vinchain hopes to offer this service as soon as the project has successfully been implemented.

Add to our TWITTER | FACEBOOK | TELEGRAM and get involved online by using the hashtag #vinchain

vinchain #vinchainteam #ico #vehiclehistory #Blockchain #decentralized #vehicle

VINCHAIN edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]


VinChain Recent News From Used Car Week 2017

Being the first social platform we were presenting our project, we had adequately prepared for it. Come that Monday, we set everything up and started welcoming all the curious people and explaining what we do. Being a fairly new concept, Blockchain technology was familiar to others while to some it was a new term. Some had no idea what Blockchain is and why it's important while some were very familiar with it and had very good technical questions. We interacted with so many people from all walks of life and answered all their questions about our project. We met a lot of people and even created new networks from that conference. VINCHAIN USED CAR WEEK 2017

Overall, everyone was interested in the idea of how Blockchain technology can solve some key problems that the world faces. With every person that visited our stand, we offered the best customer experience by giving him/her undivided attention while explaining the concept. In the end, they left satisfied and happy to have known about our idea to create a decentralized vehicle database.

We also had a chance to speak to other exhibitors and find out more about their businesses. Many of the other companies said that they were interested in monetizing their data although they were not sure if they can because of their contracts. We agreed to stay in touch and continue discussions on this topic. Some of the companies we talked to included ADD123, WeGoLook, SGS and a few others. We were also approached by other companies who have heard about us before and have been doing research on us. They had much more detailed questions and as we answered them, some took notes. At the end of the day, we were happy and looked forward to the next day of the conference.

Blockchain #Vinchain #ICO #vehiclehistory #decentralized #vehicle #usedcarweek2017

VINCHAIN edited 6 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

**Get acquainted with our new VinChain team members! Oleg Khovayko and Stan Polozov **

In our journey to create a decentralized vehicle database, we have been joined by fresh and innovative minds who believe in our project. The newest members who have joined our team are Oleg Khovayko and Stan Polozov. Oleg Khovayko is a Cryptography financial expert while Stan Polozov is a Blockchain Implementation Specialist. They have joined our team as advisors who are going to help us navigate the blockchain systems required for implementing our project.

They both have the experience and passion required to make our project successful. Oleg has a strong background in the realm of finance and specializes in the technical aspects of blockchains and cryptography. This background makes him the perfect candidate for the job seeing that he is in the best position to analyze the financial data on blockchain platforms and how to make sure that our project is profitable.

On the other hand, Stan is an accomplished career in the technology industry. He will give us insight into how Emercoin can be integrated with existing architecture. He will also be able to give us the best steps to take to ensure that the project is protected in terms of copyright issues. Any ideas we come up with along the way, Stan will provide insights on how to implement them.

With the great experience of such advisors, we are looking for new possibilities for the project and for even bigger successes. Their vast knowledge in the industry gives us a better view of what the customer expects from us and thus making us relevant in the industry.

Add to our TWITTER | FACEBOOK | TELEGRAM and get involved online by using the hashtag #vinchain

vinchain #vinchainteam #ico #vehiclehistory #Blockchain #decentralized #vehicle