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feature request: report threads to mod

it would be nice if we could report complete threads that are spam to mods to make them disappear.

I'm referring to threads like this:

alternatively to make people use the rating feature more often, users with a majority of negative ratings could be blocked from creating new threads and/or their threads are automatically moved to the cemetry.

let me know who I have to pay to make this feature happen :D

ps: if you need another mod looking out for stuff like that, let me know. I'd be more than happy to kick some spammers ass.

Replies: 3
fluffypony edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -280 | Link [ - ]

DONE! There's now a "FLAG" button on threads

This comment has been stickied at the top of the thread! Go to post

Reply to: fluffypony
Lloydimiller4 posted 8 years ago Weight: -279 | Link [ - ]

Thanks! This will help keep out spammers. :D

drfred posted 8 years ago Weight: -278 | Link [ - ]

very nice, thanks! just used it to report my first post.