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Whoops, looks like something went wrong.

If I click "reply" in any thread I receive the message which is the title of this thread. I hadn't tried to reply in quite a while and first noticed this error about a week ago. Obviously I can start a thread.

Replies: 4
palexander posted 8 years ago Weight: -313 | Link [ - ]

Have you tried another browser? What happens in firefox or chrome? Same thing? Maybe try to install a new and different browser and see what happens.

luigi1111 edited 8 years ago Weight: -307 | Link [ - ]

Hmm, if I click "Reply", I get that same message. This only occurs when the textarea above the button is empty.

Edit: where it says "Your insightful masterpiece goes here..."

nioc posted 8 years ago Weight: -307 | Link [ - ]

Yes something went wrong and that be me! On BCT you click reply and then write your post. Here you write your post and then click reply.

Thanks luigi.

fluffypony posted 8 years ago Weight: -306 | Link [ - ]

> If I click "reply" in any thread I receive the message which is the title of this thread

Looks like bad error handling on our part, thanks!