Please login or register. :: Know your address everywhere, everytime

know your address everywhere, everytime is an OpenAlias service implementation to work specificly with Monero.

With this service you can easly convert your monero address to any avaliable and short name of your choose instead of remembering an 95 char long key. (You will remember it, and most important, the ones who want/need to send you money will remember it!)

Advantages of using Know everywhere, everytime your address Already working with last simplewallet and mymonero DNSSEC avaliable 6 different domains that you can choose Easy to use Use your moneroj

This service is still under development, some minor bugs can be expected.

Future implementations needed: More information on the page (know how to use) DNSSEC in all domains (currently only avaliable on QR Codes avaliable to use on forums, websites, ect.. Public API that allows to register your name remotely and annonymus based only on payment_id (should be usefull to implement on gui wallets)

Replies: 4
kodaxx posted 8 years ago Weight: 0 | Link [ - ]

Anyone know why my balance still says 0 on I've transferred 5 xmr to the address with the correct payment ID attached - it has been 0 balance for a full 24 hours now.

MalMen edited 8 years ago Weight: -399 | Link [ - ]

Update: From now on you can associate your bitcoin address to your alias as well, just go to manager and define it.

Now you can resolv your adress on browser and have all your address's, you can just give the link to someone and even if they are not using electrum wallet in case of bitcoin, or for another whatever reason

bitcoin payments are listed to be the next step

Acepting sugestions to improve this service

arnuschky edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -523 | Link [ + ]

How do you handle address changes?

Reply to: arnuschky
MalMen edited 8 years ago Weight: -399 | Link [ - ]

what address changes ? sorry for taking this time to reply