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A formal approach towards better hard fork management

Seeing as how there are going to be things that will have to be introduced via a hard fork in future it stands to reason that we have to look at better ways of doing this than the current "fork and pray" approach. The scheme outlined below does not force miners / nodes to adopt a fork if we add something stupid in, but it creates a more fluid network that can robustly handle changes.

Basic bottom line: every 6 months there's a hard fork. You get 1 hard fork's grace before you have to update or be left behind.


Every 6 months, either on March 15 + September 15 or on April 15 + October 15, the Monero network will have a hard fork. 30 days before the fork we will have a code freeze + tag + release, and if there are no major changes we'll have an increase in the protocol version (ie. that's at a minimum). A similar fork system to Bitcoin will apply, whereby a rollover to the new code after the trigger block will only occur if a sufficient number of miners are running the new code.

Anything that is more of a soft fork will kick in immediately (as long as it doesn't drop pre-fork clients off the network). Anything on the p2p layer (ie. hard forkable) will be kept in the wings until the next fork date (as roughly estimated from block height) and then is enabled.

The upshot of this is that you can run a client that is a year old, but pretty much after that 1 year anniversary you'll be dropped off the network (even if there have been no "real" changes in that year).

There is no goal or aim to continue to support clients running older versions of Monero, and just like you have to update your OS security software we have to create an environment where people are "forced" to update their full node.


Thoughts? Suggestions? Changes? Let's discuss them before we make this indelible.

Replies: 46
Reply to: ArticMine fluffypony ArticMine
fluffypony posted 8 years ago Weight: -124 | Link [ - ]

Yes - fork date will stay the same, we'll just code freeze a little later than expected. We can take a bit of a shorter freeze period on this first fork because EVERYONE will want to update anyway:)

Reply to: fluffypony ArticMine
ArticMine edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -141 | Link [ - ]

Now that both the September 15th 2015, code freeze and October 15th, 2015 release dates have passed are we still looking at a March 15th, 2016 hard fork date or has this also been postponed? I see a real danger here, since most people will likely be running a version more recent than the official release, of the network forking because of different versions forking at different times or not forking at all.

Edit: My previous comment on this was posted on September 04, 2015. Now over 6 weeks have passed with no news on this.

Reply to: fluffypony ArticMine
ArticMine posted 8 years ago Weight: -233 | Link [ - ]

Yes, Of course for a code freeze in September the hard fork would be next year after the six month upgrade window is over.

Reply to: ArticMine
fluffypony posted 8 years ago Replies: 2 | Weight: -238 | Link [ - ]

Yes we're hoping to - although it'll be September 15 code freeze, and then the actual roll-over is March 15 (for this first one) after which it continues as normal. We're busy writing it up more formally and will update this thread.

ArticMine posted 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -241 | Link [ - ]

Are we still looking now at a September 15th code freeze+tag+release with an October 15th hard fork?

smooth edited 8 years ago Weight: -418 | Link [ + ]

One comment on the concept of "voting" being problematic

In many cases it is largely irrelevant whether miners have upgraded. What matters more is whether the larger community of participants (I'll call these users, but I include in that group major commercial participants such as exchanges, etc.) have upgraded.

If most miners upgrade but nearly all users don't, what will happen come fork time is the majority of miners will find their blocks rejected. The difficulty will drop, which (assuming the coin retains value) in turn will attract new miners (and/or encourage existing miners to switch over).

Likewise if nearly all users do upgrade but most miners don't, again most of those miners' blocks will be rejected, the difficulty will drop on the chain users accept, and miners will show up there in response to the lower difficulty.

Now if you have a situation where say, half the user community wants to upgrade and half doesn't, then you will have chaos because people won't agree on the state of the blockchain and won't be able to transact, again regardless of what miners are doing. Both sets of users will see a blockchain (with different difficulties) but they won't be able to agree on which is the correct one.

If the user community doesn't unify behind one fork, then the coin will likely be destroyed by the resulting chaos. But if it does unify, then it doesn't really matter what the miners do. As long as there are some miners on the users' fork, then blocks will continue to be produced, difficulty will adjust if necessary, and miners (possibly the same ones, possibly different ones) will come.

Unfortunately, the problem is that it is much harder to measure users' adoption decisions than miners', so in many cases this idea of miner voting is overemphasized because of the

Miner voting is most useful for simple technical corrections where there is little contraversy and upgrading is unlikely to ever by an issue for users beyond an "oops" when they see a message that their client is out of date. It has been proposed as part of a plan to address transaction malleability in bitcoin, and is probably good for that. It is also very nice, certainly ideal, that any hard fork have strong support from both users and miners, and of course that requires miners' support as a subset. Miner voting can tell you that at least.

It would be a terrible way to handle the bitcoin blocksize debate, though.

Reply to: sylviaplathlikestobake fluffypony sylviaplathlikestobake fluffypony ArticMine
ArticMine edited 8 years ago Weight: -423 | Link [ + ]

fluffypony did address, in the IRC dev channel, my key concern of unofficial node and / or mining clients, that otherwise meet the protocol requirements, being blocked from the Monero network by the regular “forced” upgrades. This is not going to happen. It is critical that these unofficial clients not be blocked in order to prevent the concentration of power in the devs and the regulatory risk that this would entail.

The case for the using the regular schedule for proactive / preventive hard forks is actually very strong. Yes there is on average an additional 3 month delay; however this has to be counterbalanced by removing the requirement to advise everyone that a hard fork is coming, and the time the devs would have to spend advising everyone.

There is both an upside and a downside to this approach. The upside is that surprise hard forks will not happen except in an emergency, so this means that the community will have plenty of notice. The downside is that this places an additional requirement of vigilance on the part of the community since in some respects this is more of an opt out rather than opt in approach.

With the above in mind I am prepared to support this proposal for at least 3 years subject of course to a material change in the full presentation.

Reply to: opennux fluffypony opennux Kazuki opennux
fluffypony edited 8 years ago Weight: -424 | Link [ + ]

@opennux this is what I see: - if I click on that "fluffypony and 3 others have replied" then I can see #1266

Reply to: fluffypony sylviaplathlikestobake fluffypony ArticMine fluffypony
sylviaplathlikestobake edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -424 | Link [ + ]

I hope the full presentation alleviates my concerns. I'm just leery of the Devs having too much influence when more power (in all its forms) gets introduced into the system.

Reply to: fluffypony opennux Kazuki opennux
opennux edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -424 | Link [ + ]

@fluffypony - Give me a sec. Specifically it is post 1266. I can't even click it, like other replies. So "go to #post-1266", doesn't bring anything. Maybe ArticMine just deleted it?

I'm aware of the fold out option that exists also.

Reply to: opennux Kazuki opennux
fluffypony edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -424 | Link [ + ]

@opennux can you send me a screenshot of what you're seeing so we can investigate?

Reply to: Kazuki opennux
fluffypony edited 8 years ago Weight: -424 | Link [ + ]

It wraps up replies you've already read so you can see the ones you haven't...possibly we've broken something in Latest/Oldest with this change, will have to investigate

Reply to: Kazuki opennux
opennux edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -425 | Link [ + ]

It is set on "latest". His first post is showing, but his second post is not showing. I can only see the very start of it by hovering his name in the "Reply to: sylviaplathlikestobake fluffypony ArticMine fluffy pony ArticMine" above the posts.

Reply to: opennux
Kazuki edited 8 years ago Replies: 2 | Weight: -425 | Link [ + ]

the default view sux and make posts "disappear", set it to oldest or latest and you'll find his comment.

opennux edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -425 | Link [ + ]

Where'd ArticMine's reply go?