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[Bugs and Ideas Thread] My Monero hosted Monero accounts

Found bugs in My Monero, or have an idea for a service enhancement? Post them in this thread for note and discussion, or send them via email to [email protected]

Replies: 7
arnuschky edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -485 | Link [ - ]

Mymonero seems to fail somehow. Can't login properly, the login modal doesn't go away. I seem to be logged in, as I can hit logout and have some menu options, but all data fields are empty.

Damn, happened of course just before our XMR.TO demo at the Bitcoin Meetup in Geneva :(

Reply to: arnuschky
arnuschky edited 8 years ago Weight: -484 | Link [ - ]

Seems to work again. A timely outage! ;)

antw081 edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -585 | Link [ - ]

Would be nice to save an address in a "address book" or "favourites" which can be quickly retrieved for future transaction.

Reducing the effort required to send XMR will help promote micro-transactions like tipping / donating.

Reply to: antw081
fluffypony edited 8 years ago Weight: -581 | Link [ - ]

We're looking at adding this, but we also want to encourage the use of OpenAlias, we'll figure out some in-between:)

lemmiwinks edited 8 years ago Weight: -769 | Link [ + ]

When sending the full balance out from a mymonero account, instead of giving and error such as:

"Not enough spendable outputs / balance too low (have: 23.500000000000 need: 23.65000000000)"

& requiring entering it manually, the difference between the full balance & the network fee should be calculated automatically & sent. I could see this being an issue if someone is making a payment & the amount received by the payee is unexpectedly short the network fee amount, so alternatively there could be a checkbox in the options menu to have it done automatically for those that would prefer it or a "The funds sent will be less (x amount txn fee) to pay the txn fee. Proceed? YES/NO" prompt when attempting. It's unintuitive & a nuisance to have to do so manually.

lemmiwinks edited 8 years ago Weight: -770 | Link [ + ]

Just logged into my mymonero account for the second time, realizing that the private login key is displayed in plain text when typing it in. This is vulnerable to screen capture malware as well as camera's & someone else physically in the room being able to see your key. Seems like it would be a much wiser choice to have it obfuscated, as when entering a password nearly anywhere else.

osensei edited 8 years ago Weight: -791 | Link [ + ]

Hi, I sent an email to the feedback address 3 days ago about a couple of display issues, but didn't get any reply, so I'll just post them here again just in case.

1) Pages not scrolling to top when clicking on a link, especially noticeable on mobile.

Steps to reproduce (there are many, but one clear example on any device and resolution would be this):

  • Click on "Terms of Use" in the footer.
  • Scroll to the end of the page.
  • Click on "Privacy Policy".

Result: new page keeps scrolled all the way to the end.

Expected: page should scroll to the top.

2) Modal Dialogs not fitting on screen on mobile devices.

Modal dialogs like the login form are not scrollable, their possition is fixed, and this is a problem on mobile devices as the content is not fitting on the screen.

I'm attaching a couple of screenshots I've taken on my Nexus 4.