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Bug report

Well, someone has to start! :)

On the main page (, one can see the titles of the threads created, and on the next line "By: "


  • That user is the last poster instead of the creator of the thread.
  • The link when clicking on that user brings to the thread creator. So right now I click on "coinsoup" (who is last poster) and end up on trip96 profile who created the thread.

So either: (i) link should be corrected to proper user, and "By" should be written "Last Post: ", or (ii) The username shown should be set to creator's one, not last poster.

Replies: 12
rocco edited 8 years ago Weight: -830 | Link [ - ]

dont know if allready mentioned, but the count of reply is "wrong" btw different in overview and inside the selection. for example, check MEW sub section VOTING.

thread 1, replies 27 (real, once you click on voting: 1 thread 26 replies). so on overview page, thread count (in this case 1) should be substracted from current replies(27) and everything is fine.

i know a minor one but it just jumped at me

Eddieh edited 8 years ago Weight: -890 | Link [ - ]


ladoga edited 8 years ago Replies: 2 | Weight: -895 | Link [ - ]

Chromium (Version 37.0.2062.120 Debian jessie/sid (281580) (64-bit)) hangs occasionally in the middle of typing a <br> html tag (line break) in this message field. CPU usage goes up, the page stops responding and the tab has to be killed and reopened. I haven't looked deeper into this and it could be just a browser glitch on my side. Just letting people know in case that happens to other chrome/chromium users. It's not 100% reproducible, but has happened now about 3 times.

Reply to: ladoga
fluffypony edited 8 years ago Weight: -887 | Link [ - ]

You can't use HTML here - we use MarkDown instead:)

Edit: or do you mean pressing the enter key?

Reply to: ladoga
Eddieh edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -888 | Link [ - ]

tag was never supposed to go through. Parsing should start clearing those out after the next update.

Reply to: Eddieh ladoga
ladoga edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -882 | Link [ - ]

Oh, ok.

I suppose it could be a security issue if one was allowed to do everything in html. Or is there some other reasons? I need to start learning the equivalents in markup then. Syntax in it (or lack of) seems bit confusing.

Reply to: ladoga Eddieh ladoga
fluffypony edited 8 years ago Weight: -878 | Link [ - ]

Yes - it's a security concern. Also, direct HTML just leads to everything looking like MySpace:-P

There's tons of documentation on MarkDown, here's a start:

jwinterm edited 8 years ago Replies: 1 | Weight: -896 | Link [ - ]

"The place discuss trend analysis, the Monero economy, and Monero speculation"

The label for the speculation thread is apparently missing a 'to' between 'place' and 'discuss' I think.

Reply to: jwinterm
fluffypony edited 8 years ago Weight: -896 | Link [ - ]


binaryFate edited 8 years ago Replies: 2 | Weight: -896 | Link [ - ]

About profile pictures:

  • There is a button to add/change it, but one cannot just remove it.
  • Changing the picture does not seem possible once there is one already, it says "picture uploaded!" but nothing changes and the old one remains.
Reply to: binaryFate
fluffypony edited 8 years ago Weight: -888 | Link [ - ]

I suspect this is CloudFlare's cache causing that - we'll sort out a workaround

Reply to: binaryFate
Eddieh edited 8 years ago Weight: -888 | Link [ - ]
  • Added a Delete/Remove button to user profile settings.
  • There was an issue with the profile pictures being cached. This should now be sorted.

Both changes should appear after an update goes through.